In Temple Area


The growth of student housing near Temple knows no bounds, with projects big and small dotting the neighborhoods surrounding the expanding university. The Nest on North Broad Street catches the eye because of its vertical presence, while Diamond Green draws attention to itself by taking up a big chunk of a

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Over the course of several decades and three generations of family ownership, Baker Funeral Home served as a crucial resource for people suffering from loss in its North Philadelphia neighborhood. Behind the scenes though, the business was coping with unpaid federal tax bills to the tune of nearly seven figures, with

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The past and present of Ridge Avenue in Francisville are pretty well worn territory on this blog, but in case today is your first day on the site, here's the (mostly) tldr version: This section of Ridge Avenue was once an active commercial corridor. Then the neighborhood endured decades of

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The 1900 block of N. 19th St. is one of the more desolate in North Philadelphia, with maybe half a dozen buildings and a staggering amount of vacant land. By our count, there are 34 vacant lots on this block, and that doesn't even count the empty lots at the

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As this is a blog that covers real estate development, we don't often find ourselves visiting the Nicetown-Tioga neighborhood, due to the general lack of construction in the area. Like many neighborhoods in North Philadelphia, this section of the city fell on very hard times starting in the 1950s, and today there's vacancy

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There's been a church at the southeast corner of Broad & Jefferson since shortly before the Civil War, with the Incarnation Protestant Episcopal Church making its home here for about a century. We don't know what that church looked like, as it was torn down in the 1960s and replaced by

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We were traveling up North Broad Street the other day and noticed some significant progress on the new building at 1310 N. Broad St., a project we first told you about a year and a half ago. You may recall, an unimpressive two story building stood at this address, which was most

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We were cruising along North Broad Street the other day, on the lookout as always for any new construction activity that might catch an eye. We were rewarded for our efforts when we spied some early excavation at 2235-37 N. Broad St., a parcel that's been sitting vacant for at

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In the years just before the founding of the school that would eventually be known as Temple University, wealthy Philadelphians were building spectacular mansions for themselves in the neighborhood which Temple would eventually come to occupy. While the greatest homes were probably located on North Broad Street, there were some pretty

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While perusing the ZBA calendar for this week, we noticed hearings for 932 and 938 Edgley St., with plans calling for the construction of single family homes. The name of the street was familiar to us, though we couldn't place the block on the map, offhand. At first, we believed Edgley

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