In Port Richmond


We have been both surprised and delighted by how development has crept up through Fishtown/East Kensington and pushed past the mental and physical boundary of Lehigh Avenue and the Conrail Tracks at the upper end of the neighborhood. The Kensington Courts project at Lehigh & Frankford Ave. paved the way

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We were skimming through listings on Loopnet the other day when a listing on Lehigh Avenue caught our attention, thanks to some strong marketing work by the group listing the property. 2640 E. Lehigh Ave. is available and here's the listing, in case you don't believe us. This building has been

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Krakus Meats first opened in Wissinoming many years ago, and Krakus Market opened in the early 90s in Port Richmond, to more thoroughly serve the local Polish community and the neighborhood as a whole. In many cultures, food is central to traditions and Krakus didn't disappoint in that regard. The market served up

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A few months back, we asked you to consider 2740 Amber St. shortly after the project appeared at Civic Design Review. We pointed out the property's history as both a dye works and a scrap yard, noting that its proximity to the freight train tracks that run beyond Lehigh Avenue made it an ideal industrial

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Yet another former industrial site in the River Wards is poised to transition to residential use, as 2740 Amber St. came before Civic Design Review earlier this month with a significant redevelopment plan which must first jump over some hurdles. This property has been used for industrial purposes forever, with Thomas Dawson

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2750R Aramingo Ave. is a huge vacant lot that sits adjacent to the freight lines that separate Olde Richmond/East Kensington from Port Richmond. It's not an accident that it's sitting vacant though- it's served as a buffer between the rail lines and the neighborhood for years, with mature trees mostly

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3045 Richmond St. is a bit of an odd property which we would argue has been underused for a very long time. It's positioned on the Richmond Street commercial corridor, right next door to a building that was once a movie theater and has more recently been used as a

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Stop us if you've heard this, but Frankford Avenue is a happening place these days. Remarkably, this hasn't been the case for very long at all. When Frankford Hall opened its doors back in 2011, Frankford Avenue was littered with vacant lots and old industrial buildings which were still used for

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We really enjoy a good pierogi, and perhaps the best in town are made Czerw's Kielbasy in Port Richmond. This family business has been operating out of a storefront on Tilton Street since the late 1930s, and apparently makes a pretty good kielbasa too. Unfortunately for us, the secret is out about

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I-95 is a gift and a curse for Philadelphia, providing expeditious vehicular access to points north and south of the city (when traffic cooperates), while at the same time cutting off large swaths of greater Center City from the Delaware River waterfront. Even though I-95 is a relatively new addition to

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