We’ve written about thousands of projects over the years, so you can forgive us if every now and then we forget about having covered something previously. And frankly, in the case of 1412 W. Dauphin St., we think we deserve a bit of leeway. We were in the area the other day and happened upon some foundation work at this address, and we were pleased because we thought we had discovered a new and exciting project. Alas, in doing some very basic research, we discovered it has already been covered. By us. In 2014.

1400 Dauphin 1
In the past
IMG_0351 2
Current view

In our defense, that’s a really long time ago. And we bet you forgot what we told you back then also. So here’s the scoop. The plans called for an affordable housing building for senior citizens which the developers named the Dauphin Street Senior Residences. Hey, not every project needs a clever name, okay? The building will contain 52 apartments over five floors, with some common space on the first floor. Somewhat surprising for a senior housing building, there will be no car parking offered, but there will be 18 bike parking spots. The project even went to Civic Design Review, with WRT Design behind the architecture. Well, they were going by a different name back then, but like we said, this was several years ago.

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Project rendering
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Another view

According to a letter we discovered in the Zoning Archive, the reason for the lengthy delay for this project is that the developer was not able to procure necessary tax credits as quickly as expected. Senior housing projects of this ilk generally rely on tax credits to make the financials work, so it certainly makes sense that the project wasn’t able to get out of the ground until the tax credits came through. Alternately, it’s possible that the developers weren’t able to get those tax credits in the end. If that’s the case, we would expect a pivot for the project, to shift away from senior housing and to instead build an apartment building targeting students. After all, this property is just a couple blocks north of Temple’s campus and there’s plenty of student housing in this neck of the woods. If anything, that would seem like a more intuitive project than the original proposal.

Figure the building will be finished in about a year- at that point, when we see who’s moving in, we should have a pretty good idea how things played out.