It was only two months ago that we brought your attention to the building at 7041 Ridge Ave., along an extremely busy Roxborough development corridor. Let’s give ourselves a quick reminder of the current state of affairs for this nondescript but historic building, which has been used for several commercial purposes over the years.

Current view of front of building, with the added first floor facade to be removed
Alternate view shows one-story addition in back to be removed as well as drive aisle and future building location

We told you that project, led by Select Redevelopment and designed by Square Architects, went back to the drawing board for what we viewed at the time as a very nice-looking project. The team took the Historical Commission’s feedback and impressively, they created an even better version of this project in terms of architectural harmony. This unfortunately isn’t as common as should be the case.

Previous design shows a four-story building with ground level parking closely approaching the existing building
Adjustments to the massing and details based on previous Historical Commission feedback
And the current massing, showing a scaled back building that is closer to size and scale to the historic building
The site plan shows the parking and unit layout for both structures

This newer version gives us a smaller building with surface parking, which in many instances would be a big bummer. Here, however, we think that this reduced size and additional open space are entirely appropriate, with the original building containing four units and an additional 15 units in the newer structure. The massing, design, and fenestration of the re-designed building in the back interacts better with the existing building, creating a project that feels more coherent and cohesive.

View of the historically restored building and the addition in the back of the lot
View up the driveway shows how the new building will interact with its neighbors
Straight-on view of the front of the facade, exuding modern farmhouse styling
Entrance of new building references porch of current building

What a wonderful project, isn’t it? It’ll certainly be something to see, as the development team works with the Historical Commission to refine the finish details. Look for a fine-tuned entry porch for the new building, a buffer between the building and the pavement, and a slight change in the dormer’s positioning among other design flourishes. As this project now looks ready to move forward. we’ve gotta say that we’re very excited to see how iy might set the standard for responsible historic redevelopment along this stretch of Ridge Avenue.