Do you love tennis and have a hankering to live in Manayunk? Do you think tennis is just okay but love the Ugly Moose? If either statement applies to you, a new apartment building will soon be built that could be exactly the right place for you. Recently, we spied a fresh looking pile of dirt on Lauriston Street, a street that we only want to call Laurisen Street because we're huge Flyers fans. Alas, it's Lauriston and developers recently purchased a home and long vacant lot with an eye toward redevelopment. They've demolished the home and this is what we're left with:
In an apparently by-right effort, the developers are planning a sixteen-unit apartment building with architecture from KCA Design Associates. Not only will this building overlook the incorrectly named Downtown Tennis Club, but it will also be just around the corner from the popular Ugly Moose.
This place will look pretty different than the other homes on the block, and you can see that this will sit on one of the neighborhood's steeper hills.
So maybe you don't fancy tennis and perhaps you're not into the Ugly Moose. But maybe you're into sledding in the winter in which case this building could also be a nice fit.