In Fishtown, just off Frankford Avenue, a garage is gone and six new homes are on their way. At 2170 E. Norris St., the Palm Automotive Center once cast an unattractive shadow on the rapidly developing corridor. Now it's just a memory.
Remember Norris Point, the ten home development built last year where Norris Street hits Trenton Avenue, just a few steps from the location pictured above? This project comes from the same developer, Eric Fox, and is also similarly designed by Bryan Philips at ISA. Mr. Fox (not us, 'natch) also did The Nine, a LEED project on Tulip Street across from Memphis Flats. But now his attention is squarely on this parcel, where construction is underway.
When the project is done, there will be three homes fronting Hewson Street and three fronting Norris Street. All of the three story homes will have rear access parking, roof decks, and all the goodies you've come to expect from new construction in Philadelphia. They'll also have dynamite access to the Rocket Cat Cafe and the rest of the growing cast of businesses on Frankford Avenue. When the homes are done, they'll look something like this:
Upon further consideration, we think we preferred the ugly garage. Nah, just kidding. This will be way better.