You've probably noticed that Passyunk Avenue has experienced a dramatic transformation in the last decade. New restaurants, bars, and shops have enlivened South Philly's most famous commercial corridor and it's become a destination for locals and visitors from out of town alike. In addition, there have been many improvements to the streetscape, notably with the revitalization of the "singing foundation at Passyunk & Tasker a few years back.
The Passyunk Avenue Revitalization Corporation has been a strong advocate for the Avenue, and has spent considerable dollars to improve it. Now, for PARC's next trick, they will be completely transforming the triangle created by the intersection of Passyunk Ave. and McKean Street into the East Passyunk Gateway. Check out the current pic versus what it will eventually look like:

As you can see, the plan is to transform the mostly concrete patch in front of United Savings Bank into an active public space. The gateway will include a small green space, a fountain element, a new bike rack, a pergola of sorts, and all sorts of new seating. Surely, this spot could become a new gathering place at the southern end of the Avenue, and our last rendering shows "people" enjoying it at night.
This project is made possible by a $495K grant from the William Penn Foundation which includes funds for planning and design. The official unveiling of the project is scheduled for Wednesday night at 1930 S. Broad St. at 6:30pm. If you'd like more info, go and check it out!
Now if only the old Colombo's around the corner could be brought back to life…