As the months have gone by, we’ve been peeking in the windows every couple of weeks to check on the progress of the new Honey’s Sit ‘n Eat planned for the northwest corner of 21st & South. Today, we walked by the long-awaited commercial space, and were surprised to see customers inside, chowing down on lunch.
We stepped inside the new space to take a peek, and discovered a warm restaurant that offers most of the same goodies you can get at the original location in Northern Liberties. It’s not quite as cozy as the first location, perhaps due to the higher ceilings and the less-worn-in furniture. But the down home vibe is nearly identical.
Based on the establishment’s reputation as well as the packed house on day one, we’re comfortable saying that Honey’s South Street will be a huge success. It may have taken longer than anyone would have preferred for this new addition to make its way to South Street West, but it won’t be long before brunch-loving neighbors are producing the same lengthy wait times on the weekend that Northern Liberties has known for years.
On the plus side, there’s a gym on the block. Treadmill while waiting for a huge brunch? Sounds responsible to us.