We’ve visited the 1900 block of E. Cumberland a couple times in the past, following along as new construction has filled in vacancy on the block. In the fall of 2015, we noted a pair of new homes at 1908-10 E. Cumberland St., from Callahan Ward. About half a year later, those homes were finished and two more homes were under construction across the street. As you can imagine, the block has seen some additional progress in the year since our last visit.

Screen Shot 2017-06-23 At 12.53.07 PM
Less than two years ago
Same view, from Emerald Street, today

The most notable new construction on the block is the Suite Row development, which includes the five homes in the photo above. This project shows that contiguous homes are overrated, and it also includes homes around the corner on Jasper Street. Some of those gaps on E. Cumberland will get filled in, as two more homes are forthcoming as part of this project. As for the homes that have already been built, all of them have sold at prices between the high $300K’s to low $400K’s. We’re digging on the white brick, and buyers seem to feel the same thus far.

From the middle of the block

Close to Jasper Street, some more homes are under construction, none of which are part of the Suite Row project. 1903 E. Cumberland St. is a project from V2 Properties, best known for their numerous projects in South Philly, and it’s not their only project in the area. Callahan Ward is building 1905 E. Cumberland St., with a cool looking facade that resembles a shipping container, and they’ve already listed it for $419K. We don’t recognize the name of the developer for 1907 E. Cumberland St., but the new home is certainly an upgrade over the long vacant lot.

Additional construction at Jasper Street

As we said, this block has made considerable progress, but it still has a ways to go. But we’re optimistic that it will continue to improve. Many of the lots that are still sitting vacant are owned by developers and and should get built in the near future. Certainly, considering the success that several developers are already having on this block, it seems like a no brainer.